THE SKIN HOUSE Marine Active Toner

Paul: Jensky
Type koji: normalnaya, sukhaya
Primenyaetsya pri: morshchiny, obezvojnennost
Effect: refreshing tonic fills the skin with vital moisture and energy of the sea globin, enables the burning of healthy cells and prepares it for full-fledged rejuvenation and other cosmetic products.
Age: from 20 to 50 let
Volume: 130 ml
The product is certified Odnim iz glavnyx conditional preservation of youth and beauty koji yavlyaetsya ee regular i proper uvlajnenie. A lack of water and water leads to fatigue, fatigue, and fatigue. Chtoby izbejat etix nepriyatnyx priznakov oldeniya koji, rekomenduetsya ispolzovat spetsialnye kosmeticheskie sredstva. The maximum result is achieved with a complex approach.
Rejuvenating tonic fills the skin with vital moisture and energetic marine globulin, promotes the healing and healing of the skin cells and prepares it for full-fledged rejuvenation and cosmetic products.
V sostave tonic: sea water, hyaluronic acid, gemchuga extract, as well as morskikh vodorosley extract.
Morskaya voda - soderjit bolshoe kolichestvo mineralnyx veshchestv: iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, bromine and dr. Penetrating into the skin, sea water has the same beneficial effect - it accelerates the regeneration of tissues and increases the turgor of the skin, refreshes and rejuvenates it.
Hyaluronic acid - intensivno uvlajnyaet koju, uskoryaet synthesis of collagen and elastin, sposobstvuet zajivleniyu ran, vliyaet na immunnye reaktsii, zashchishchaet cells ot free radicals, oberegaet koju ot predevremennogo stareniya. Hyaluronic acid creates an unnoticeable thin film on the surface, which prevents water evaporation, keeps moisture inside, prevents pores, and also allows deeper penetration of other active cosmetic components.
Pearl extract is a natural complex of amino acids, microelements and especially calcium. Yavlyaetsya moshchnym osvetlyayushchim i omolaizhivayushchim komponentov v sostave tonic: uvlajnyaet, uluchshaet krovobrashchenie, umenshaet oteki, ustranyaet izlishnyuyu pigmentatsiyu, vyravnivaet ton koji i matiruet eyo, sokrashchaet morshchini. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, accelerates wound healing and cell regeneration, soothes irritation, reduces inflammation, and reduces redness.
Ecklonia cava is an odin iz vidov buryx vodrosley, rare and exotic marine plant, which can tolerate hot and cold, rich in nutritious fish, and deep sea water. It contains dubilnye veshchestva, iodine, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin A and niacin. Antioxidantty eklonii kava v razy silnee lyubyx antioxidantov "suhoputnyx" rasteniy. The unique component of hydrogen is alginic acid, which stimulates and moisturizes, mineralizes, and enriches the skin with oxygen. Morskie vodrosli v sostave tonic normalizyut work of salnyx zhelnyx, uskoryayut zajivlenie vospaleniy i podavlyayut novye vospalitelnye protsessy, uskoryayut obmennye protsessy i vyvodyat toksiny i shlaki, umenshayut otechnost.
The tonic moisturizes, refreshes and cools the skin. With regular use, it significantly improves the condition of the skin thanks to optimal and long-lasting absorption. Koja stanovitsya springy and elastic, razglajivaetsya and priobretaet beautiful, healthy color.
How to use : wet disc with a damp cloth and wipe the face after washing.
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