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220 000 сум

The Skin House Ginseng Nourishing Wrinkle Supreme Toner

Brand: skin-house
Product Code: 7505-28
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220 000 сум

Paul: Jensky
Type koji: normalnaya, sukhaya
Primenyaetsya pri: morshchiny, obezvojenost
Effect: the product has an anti-aging effect, tones the skin, fills it with moisture, and tones it. The composition of the tonic includes ginseng extract, which has a toning effect, and also increases microcirculation and blood circulation.
Age: from 30 to 50 let
Volume: 130 ml
The product is certified Voskhititelnyy pitatelnyy toner s ginshenem Wrinkle Supreme Toner ot koreyskogo brand The Skin House stanet zavershayushchey stupyunyu ochchcheniya i podgotovit koju k ispolzovaniyu drugikh kosmeticheskikh sredstv. Prekrasno otshelushivaya otmershie chastichki, on izbavlyaet ot jirnogo bleska, styagivaet pory, podtyagivaet i omolajivaet koju. The unique formula helps remove hydrophobic oils from the skin and soothes irritation after washing. It is ideally suited for elderly, casual, established women.

The result of application:


  • Delikatno ochrechaet i gotovit koju k dalneyshemu uhodu.

  • Snimaet irritation and inflammation.

  • It protects and prevents premature aging.

  • Ozdoravlivaet i smyagchaet koju.

  • Berezhno osvetlyaet and vyravnivaet tone.


Natural ingredients, ingredients and ingredients, have anti-aging and complex healing effects.

Main ingredients: ginseng, Reishi mushroom, chaga mushroom, Brazilian agaric, matsutake

Vytyajka iz kornya genshenya shiroko izvestna svoimi antioxidantnymi svoystvami. Mother does not simply razglazhivaet morshchiny, no i stopanavlivaet predvremennoe seneni, reguliruet metabolicheskie protseskie v kletkax. Effektivno zashchishchaet koju ot vrednogo vliyaniya solnechnyx luchey i neutralizuet free radicals. Restores natural tissue regeneration and increases microcirculation.

Trutovik enriches the complex of useful microelements and vitamins, increases blood pressure, reduces the expression of cuperoza. Prevoskhodno podtyagivaet and struggles with age-related pigmentation. Stimulates the production of collagen, makes it more soft and elastic.

Sposob primeneniya : somchit tonerom vatnyy disc i proteret im litso srazu posle predvaritelnogo umvyvaniya.


Tags: #TheSkinHouse, #GinsengNourishing, #WrinkleSupreme, #Toner

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