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Spot remedy for inflammation THE SKIN HOUSE Dr. Clear Magic Powder Spot

Brand: skin-house
Product Code: 7485-28
Reviews: (1)
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Salesman:  MAYLIN
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150 000 сум

Paul: Jensky, Muzhskoy
Type koji: jirnaya, combinirovannaya, sukhaya, problemnaya
Primenyaetsya pri: acne, chernye tochki, rasshirennye pory, pryshchi
Effect: the agent dries the inflamed area, improves the skin care, reduces the feeling of stiffness, reduces inflammation, reduces the surface area, prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria in open skin, and reduces redness.
Age: for all ages
Volume: 30 ml
The product is certified Tochechnaya "powder" yavlyaetsya effektivnym sredstvo dlya estraneniya konnyx vospaleniy i nesovershenstv - eto 4-yy etap kompleksnogo ukhoda za kojei serii Dr. Clear.

Sredstvo nanositsya tselenapravlenno na vospalennye zony. Pomogaet likvidirovat voznikshie acne, sokratit ix poyavlenie, uskorit zajivlenie. Momentalno podsushivaet zony vospaleniy, ukhajivaya i ne styagivaya ix, likvidiruet zud, disinfectiruet poverkhnost kojnogo pokrora, prepyatstvuya popadaniyu bakterii v otkrytye vospalennye pory, snimaet pokrasnenie.

Liquidizes the problem of rasshirennyx por and krezmernogo vydeleniya kojnogo gira, reguliruet lipidnyy balance, ne razdrajaya dermu. Nanosya sredno na noch, na utro vy zabudete obo vsex vysheperechislennyx problemax. And vremya sna, the absorbent powder covers the skin and regulates the condition of the problem area. This product is a product of ginseng and mujchinam.

Nochnaya geltaya essence and complex with absorbent powder developed on the basis of natural ecological components:


  • Extracts of health (dlya suzheniya por, lecheniya infektsionnykh zabolevaniy epidermisa, controllia sekretsii salnykh zhelet, antikterialnogo deystvya);

  • Aloe vera extract (dlya lecheniya ugrey, zatyagivaniya rubtsov, uvlajneniya, omolajvaniya, stimulyatsii obmena veshchestv i krovoobrashcheniya, regulyatsii metabolizam, protivovospalitelnogo i uspokaivayushchego deystviya);

  • Malvy extract (for renewal of skin, stimulation of collagen synthesis, regulation of sebum production, moisturizing. It is a plant antioxidant, soothing irritated skin, suitable for Greek skin and acne, as well as anti-aging for mature skin);

  • Extract camellia (dlya zamedleniya starenia, glubokogo uvlajneniya i zashchity ot razdrajayushchikh faktorov);

  • Thyme extract (dlya rassasyvaniya rubtsov, regeneration);

  • Tea tree extract (dlya uvelicheniya antimicrobial, antisepticheskogo, antibakterialnogo deystviya, ischeznoveniya bakterii, sypi, jirnosti).


Also, in the composition of serums, salicylic acid is present, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties. Salicylic acid disinfects and disinfects.

Method of application : in the final stage of the evening, when you use this product, apply a cotton swab and apply it to the burned areas. Vstryakhivat vial pered primeneniem ne necessarily. Leave the "powder" on the bed until full drying and noch.


Tags: #SpotRemedy, #InflammationTreatment, #TheSkinHouse, #DrClearMagicPowder, #SkinCare, #AcneTreatment, #SkinInflammation, #ClearSkin, #SpotTreatment, #SkinHouseProducts

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