Series tkanevyx masok s naturalnymi extractami i maslami. Every mask, and depending on the key component, helps to solve various problems.
01.Nature Republic Real Nature Avocado Mask Sheet – fabric mask with avocado extract
Avocado extract obespechivaet polnotsennoe nasyshchenie koji neobhodimymi pitatelnymi veshchestvami, uluchshaet krovobrashchenie v koje, obogashchaet ee tkani kisrokom. Za schet deep penetration into the skin, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, restores elasticity and elasticity.
02. Nature Republic Real Nature Bamboo Mask Sheet – fabric mask with bamboo extract
The extract of bamboo has great healing and healing properties, it can open the cells of the skin and remove the sebum, stimulate the work of the lymphatic system and improve the otechnostey, strengthen the capillaries, help to improve the skin. It has an intensive moisturizing and toning effect, increases elasticity and elasticity, increases the color of the face.
03. Nature Republic Real Nature Chamomile Mask Sheet – fabric mask with chamomile extract
Chamomile extract has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, bactericidal and regenerative properties. Osobenno rekomenduetsya dlya ukhoda za chuvstvitelnoy, sklennoy k vospaleniyam i drazzheniyam kojei, uvlajnyaet i uspokaivaet eyo, miagchaet i toniziruet, osvetlyaet.
04. Nature Republic Real Nature Cucumber Mask Sheet – tkanevaya maska s ekstratom agurtsa
The extract has a cooling and toning effect, reduces inflammation of the skin and prevents inflammation of the skin. Za shet povyshennoy kislotnosti otlichno opchischaet koju, reguliruet botu salnyx, kazyvaet legkoe vyajushchee deytvie. In addition, cucumber extract blocks the synthesis of melanin, lightens freckles and pigment spots, and reduces the appearance of couperose.
05. Nature Republic Real Nature Olive Mask Sheet – tkanevaya maska s maslom olive
Maslo olivy obladaet intensivnym pitatelnym, uvlajnyayushchim i miagchayushchim deystviem, ustranyaet shelushenia, uskoryaet zajivlenie ronk i razdrajeniy. Tak kak maslo olivy soderjit bolshoe kolichestvo vitamina E, ono yavlyaetsya moshchnym antioxidantom, oberegaet koju ot prejdevremennogo uvyadaniya, a takje povyshaet eyo zashchitnye svoystva.
06. Nature Republic Real Nature Rose Mask Sheet – fabric mask with rose extract
The extract has a soothing, toning and soothing effect, helps to eliminate irritation and inflammation, accelerates inflammation, and also has the ability to stimulate capillaries. Rose extract is not necessary for dry and cold skin - it fills with moisture, increases elasticity, loosens the pores of the skin. The extract increases the color of the skin and gives it a fresh look.
How to use: Apply the mask to the face after opening it and leave it on for 20 minutes. Zatem masku snyat, dat vpitatsya ostatkam sredstva.