Type code: For all types
Volume: 25 gr
Brand: Ekel
Country of manufacture : South Korea Sposob application:
Kak obespechit koje ukhod ne huje salonnogo, no v domashnikh usloviyax? Wam pomogut mask Ekel. Ix is characterized by great simplicity of use and high efficiency. The mask with red ginseng is suitable for all types, it is not specially recommended, and it is suitable for stress. Esli v poslednee vremya vy stolknulis s potery uprugosti, tusklostyu ili kotite zashchitit koju ot vrednogo vliyaniya ultravioleteta, vybirayte Red Ginseng Mask.
Mother zamechatelno osvejaet, obespechivaet momentalnoe and prodolzhitelnoe uvlajnenie, vitaminiziruet, vyravnivaet ton litsa, ustranyaet otechnost i sujaet pory. And the result is pomolodevshaya, svejaya, uprugaya, myagkaya, so zdorovym siyaniem.
Method of application:
Clean the skin with a cleaning agent or scrub. Open the package and remove the mask. Accurately distribute the fabric base to prevent air bubbles from forming. Average time is 15-20 minutes. Take off the mask, a ostatki essence vbeite akuratno v koju podushechkami paltsev. Smyvat ostatki sostava is not necessary.
Tkanevaya maska dlya litsa Ekel Red Ginseng Ultra Hydrating Essence Mask.
Details: https://randewoo.ru/product/tkanevaya-maska-dlya-litsa-s-ekstraktom-krasnogo-zhenshenya-red-ginseng-ultra-hydrating-essence-mask-25g
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