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The Skin House Pore Tightening Clay Pack

Brand: skin-house
Product Code: 7495-28
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Salesman:  MAYLIN
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200 000 сум
Paul: muzhkoy
Type koji: jirnaya, problemnaya, combinirovannaya
Primenyaetsya pri: rasshirennye pory, jirnost
Effect: The tool effectively opens the skin, increases the color of the skin, gradually "dissolves" the black spot, regulates the work of salnyx jelloz, makes the skin matte without peresushivaniya.
Age: for all ages
Volume: 100 ml
The product is certified Belaya glina, soderjashchayasya v ney, effektivno boretsya s ejednevnymi zagryazneniyami koji, chernymi tochkami i comedonami. Maska izbavit vashe litso ot ugrey, ved ona raskryvaet pory i chistit ix.

Posle ispolzovaniya maski pory budut menee zametny, t.k. mask sujaet ix, styagivaya cells dermy. Sredstvo ne peresushivaet koju, a naoborot, sposobstvuet ee uvlajneniyu, i posle ispolzovaniya na budet myagkoy i smoothkoy.

Main ingredients: white kaolin clay, grapefruit extract, witch hazel extract, rosemary extract

Belaya glina takje ustranyaet jirnyy blesk, blagodarya regulirovaniyu raboty salnyx zhelet, a mask sposobstvuet myagkomu ochchcheneniyu ot omertvevshih kletok kojnogo pokro. Relief koji posle ispolzovaniya etogo sredstva budet bolee smoothkim, a melkie morshchinki menee zametnymi.

Also, the mask has the effect of my athlete . And this composition includes extracts of witch hazel and sage , which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. A blagodarya extracts alteya, mallow and thyme, soderjashchimsya v etoy maske, koja priobretaet zdorovyy, ukhojennyy vid, ee obshchee sostoyanie uluchshaetsya, pory sujayutsya, poetomu ee rekomenduetsya delat takje i pered naneseniem makeup.

The mask is suitable for open sensitive and problem skin , and it is better to use it for open skin. A pleasant creamy texture makes the mask easy to apply.

Method of application: clean the face and thoroughly dry it with a towel, apply a little mask, distribute it along the massage line with a thin layer, and apply the mask to the area of the eyes and smooth the area. Cook for 15-20 minutes in warm water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Tags: #TheSkinHouse, #PoreTightening, #ClayPack

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