Type of koji: Dlya vsex tipov koji, Problemnaya, Chuvstvitelnaya, Sukhaya
Area of application: for the face
Effect: Antivozrastnoy ukhod, Uvlajnenie, Svetlenie, Tonizirovanie
Type of mask: Tkanevaya
Volume: 30 ml
Country of production: Yuzhnaya Korea
Brand: JM SOLUTION Cellulose mask with pearl powder JMsolution Glow Luminous Aurora Mask intensively moisturizes the skin, gently illuminates the non-pigmentation and post-acne, brightens the complexion, makes it bright, beautiful and healthy.
Essence, which propitana mask penetrates the skin cells thanks to the cellulosic fabric, which has an open fibrous and soft structure, and adheres to the skin.
Osnovnye deystvuyushchie components:
Jemchujnaya powder contains calcium and a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, sposobstvuet ukrepleniyu litsevyx myshts, okazyvaet pitatelnoe and uvlajnyayushchee deytvie. Jemchuzhnaya pudra obladaet otbelivayushchim deystviem, prepyatstvuet obrazovaniyu pigmentnyx pyaten, osvetlyaet vesnushki, mnye krugi podzami, ustranyaet pokrasneniya i irrazzheniya.
Palmitoyl tripeptide-5, Tripeptide medi - softens, softens and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, supports, protects and slows down the process of aging. Peptides help to strengthen the contours of the face, increase general tone, improve the aesthetic process of the production of collagen fibers, elastin and epidermis.
Niacinamide - stimulates the synthesis of collagen and increases the protective function of the skin, helps to reduce the transepidermal layer of the skin and reduces pigmentation, softens, increases the elasticity of the skin, lubricates, softens the pores, soothes, effectively uses it for sensitive skin. sogrevayushchee deytvie i uluchshaet microcirculation and blood, osvetlyaet.
Allantoin - softens, intensively moisturizes the skin, sposobstvuet sujeniyu por i normalatsii virabotki kojnogo sala, possesses protivovospalitelnymi svoystvami, soothes the irritated skin.
Tregalose is a polysaccharide that has a muscle-stimulating effect, slows down the process of aging, and has antioxidant activity.
Adenosine is an anti-aging component that slows down the aging process.
The extract of rose warms the skin and increases the process of cell regeneration, tones, relaxes the facial muscles.
Extract sakura perfectly uvlajnyaet and pitaet koju, horosho otbelivaet and boretsya s pigmentnymi pitnami. Snimaet razdrazenia i sposobstvuet zaivleniyu porejdennoy koji. Subject pory i normalizuet rabotu salnyx indicate.
Hyaluronic acid helps to moisturize the deep layers of the epidermis and retain moisture in the cells. Zamedlyaet processy aging i umenshaet glubinu morshchin.
Maslo moringi napityvaet koju, preduprejdaet poyavlenie morshchin, obladaet achen khroshim uspokaivayushchim deystviem, ustranyaet pokrasneniya i sminaet vospaleniya.
Suitable for all types of koji, and even for dry and sensitive koji.
Sposob primenenia: Dostante masku iz upakovki, raspravte ee i plotno prilojite k opchichennoy sukho koje litsa. About 15-20 minutes. Uberite mask. Ostatki essencesii myagko vbeite v koju litsa podushechkami paltsev.
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