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30 000 сум


Brand: dr-jart
Product Code: 7776-29
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Salesman:  PUDRA
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30 000 сум
Type of skin: for oily skin, for problem skin, for combined skin
Effect: beautifully opens pores of various skin types, gently exfoliates dead skin cells and accelerates regeneration, normalizes acid-alkaline balance and absorbs excess sebum. Rastitelnye components, khodyashchie v stav maski, uspokaivayut, snimayut pokrasneniya, uvlajnyayut i sposobstvuyut sujeniyu por.
Volume: 28 ml
Country of production: Yujnaya Korea
Brand: DR.JART+ Oxygen mask for suzheniya por Dr.Jart+ Porecting Solution с chernym uglem. The product perfectly opens the pores of different skin types, gently removes dead skin cells, accelerates regeneration, normalizes the acid-alkaline balance, and absorbs excess sebum. Rastitelnye components, vkhodyashchie v sostav maski, uspokaivayut, snimayut pokrasneniya, uvlajnyayut i sposobstvuyut sujeniyu por.

Chernye tochki poyavlyayutsya iz-za zabityx por, poetomu tak vajno khoroshee opchichenchenie koji. The mask is designed to open deep pores using the innovative "bubble oxygen" technology. Pri vzaimodeystvii sredstva s teplom koji na poverkhnosti maski obrazuyutsya malenkie pzyrki, kotorye sposobny penikat gluboko v pory i kletki epidermisa, i opchischat ix ot vsex vidov zagryazneniy.

The mask fits snugly to the skin, perfectly absorbs the moisture of the skin, eliminates the dark spots and normalizes the acid-alkaline balance.

The main components of Dr Jart+ Porecting Solution:

Black wood charcoal is a natural absorbent, an effective agent for deep opening of the pores of all skin types. Powdered charcoal in the composition of the mask vytyagivaet iz por vse zagryazneniya, konnyy jir, ostatki make-up and vyvodit toxiny. Ugol podkhodit dlya opchichencheniya lyubogo tipa koji, no osobenno rekomendutsya dlya jirnoy i poristoy, successfully ispolzuetsya dlya lecheniya problemnoy koji.

Avocado extract - otlichno uvlajnyaet koju, a takje pitaet i vosstanavlivaet tselostnost epidermalnogo matrixa, uluchshaet kletochnyy omen, povyshaya turgor koji, umenshaet shelusheniya, uspokaivaet razdrajeniya, okazyvaet ukreplyayushchee i ranozajivlyayushchee deystvie.

Eucalyptus leaf extract has a toning and energizing effect. Obladaet moshchnymi antibacterial svoystvami pomogaet spravitsya with infectious diseases. Uluchshaet tsvet litsa.

Adenosine - produces a lifting effect, increases the production of collagen, reduces the number of wrinkles, inhibits the process of ovulation.

Asparagus stalk extract contains a lot of vitamins, thanks to which it regenerates the body and restores the body in a complex way.

Extract ylang-ilanga - has a calming effect, regulates metabolic processes in cells, strengthens the skin. Pridaet cream has a wonderful soft aroma vostoka.

Maslo bergamot - fights with various rashes and burns, normalizes the work of salnyx, illuminates pigment spots and rubtsy post-acne, suppresses pores.

Extract orange - stimulates the synthesis of collagen, strengthens, softens, warms and tones, tones the skin.

Sposob primenenia: Dostante masku iz upakovki, snimite zashchitnuyu filmku i plotno prilojite eyo k ochchichenchennomu litsu. Posle poyavleniya puzyrkov, krugovymi dvizheniyami pomassiruyte oblast rasshirennyx por dlya luchshego opchichenenia koji. Cook for 10-20 minutes. Dayte vpitatsya essencesii, myagkimi pokhlopyvayushchimi dvizheniyami.


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