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140 000 сум

THE SKIN HOUSE Black Snail Bubble Mask

Brand: skin-house
Product Code: 7527-28
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Salesman:  MAYLIN
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140 000 сум
Paul: Jensky
Type code: for all types of code
Problemy s kojey: suzhenie por, opener, otbelivayushchi
Effect: Pri nanesenii na koju temnyy gel prevrashchaetsya v tysyachi melchayshih bubbles, iz kotoryh vysvobojdaetsya oxygen. Lopayas na koje, puzyrki obespechivayut priyatnyy micro-massage, a takje sposobstvuyut glubokomu ochchicheniyu por ot razlichnyx zagryazneniy: pili, otmershih kletok, skopleniy kojnogo jira.
Age: for all ages
Volume: 100 ml
The product is certified Oxygen mask with snail extract is a thick dark gel, which is applied to the skin and releases oxygen. For the schet micro-massage koji penoy mask, izkhodit deep opening koji ot primesey i zagryazneniy. Mask vytyagivaet vse to, chto zagryaznyaet epidermis, ostavlyaya koju smooth, clean and matte. Puzyrki v maske pronikayut gluboko v struktur epidermisa, vychishchayut orogovevshie chastichki i prochie zagryaznenenia iz por. Koja nadolgo ostaetsya smooth, clean. Mask znachitelno snijaet veroyatnost vozniknovenia acne, chistit litso ot chernyx tochek, sujaet pory. It is suitable for problem skin. And the composition of the mask: mucin black snail, black sesame, black beans, brown rice, charcoal. Ulitochny extract vosstanavlivaet koju na kletochnom urovne, zalechivaet microtraumy epidermisa. It is suitable for: all types of koji, and especially for small and problematic ones.

Sposob primeneniya: ispolzovat na sukhoe, predvaritelno ochchichennoe ot makeup litso.

1. Apply nebolshoe kolichestvo maski na litso, izbegaya oblasti vokrug glaz
2. Dojdites poyavleniya puzyrkov (usually 3-5 minutes).
3. Accurately massage the product into the palm of your hand, hold it for 30 seconds, then press the arrow.
4. Remove the liquid.

Tags: THE SKIN HOUSE, Black Snail, Bubble Mask

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