Beautifully massages the body, stimulates blood circulation, opens pores. Thanks to the hydrophilic properties of the cotton and its voluminous braid, the fabric easily absorbs water, and it does not sit on the "wet" surface, and it has a good taste and foam. Natural fibers absorb static electricity, absorb heat, have antiallergenic and bionormalizing properties.
Type: mochalka Qualification: 1 pcs. Material: 100% nylon Effect: opening, burning Size: 29x100 cm The nylon thread allows you to create a nice foam even with minimal amount of soap. Primenenie etoy mochalki, pozvolyaet chuvstvovat sebya beautiful kajdyy den. Mochalka perfectly massages the body, opens pores, stimulates blood circulation. Postle mytya mochalku neobhodimo ochistit ot ostatkov mila i vysushit.
Preduprejdenie: ispolzovat mochalku tolko dlya mytya tela; pri chuvstvitelnoy koje tela, a takje v sluchae dlitelnogo i intensivnogo trieniya odnogo i togo je section tela mojet vozniknut razdrajenie koji; v protesse dlitelnogo ispolzovaniya razmer mochalki i eyo forma mojet slegka deformirovatsya; ne ospolzovat dlya sterki mochalki syntheticheskie moyushchie sredstva, otbelivanie, shinshinnuyu sterku i dushku; ne sushit mochalku vblizi otkrytogo ognya.
Primenenie: Namochit mochalku, nalit gel dlya dlya, vspenit, pomassirovat koju tela, smyt penu. Posle ispolzovaniya mochalku necessarily horosho propoloskat i vysushit.