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120 000 сум

The Skin House Water Block Aqua Balm

Brand: skin-house
Product Code: 7503-28
Reviews: (0)
In Stock
Salesman:  MAYLIN
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120 000 сум
Paul: Jensky
Type code: for all types of code
Primenyaetsya pri: morshchiny, ranki, vospaleniya
Age: for all ages
Volume: 50 ml
The product is certified Intensive treatment and anti-inflammatory treatment - in the same way! The cream with texturizing balm helps to quickly optimize the balance and uvlajnennosti koji and the skin. In addition, the formula contains a large number of antibacterial components, which eliminate unpleasant acne and prevent the occurrence of acne, black spots and micro-inflammation. S rasshirennymi porami i nepoladkami v rabote salnyx zhele na otlichno spravlyayutsya extracty zelenogo chaya, purslane i aloe vera. The tool is specially designed for combined and problematic devices. The pleasant texture is not sticky and does not dry out.

Effect: sposobstvuet razglajivaniyu melkikh mimicheskikh morshchin, ustranyaet vospaleniya i vysypaniya na poverkhnosti epidermisa. Also, this product brightens the complexion, increases the color of the face, and gives the skin an even matte finish.

Basic ingredients: lotus extract, green tea extract, camellia extract, cranberry extract, bitter gourd extract, cherry

PRECAUTIONS: Apply a small amount to a clean and dry face after finishing the daily routine. Mojno ispolzovat v techenie dnya po mere neobhodimosti

Tags: skin care, moisturizer, aqua balm, hydration, skincare routine

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