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140 000 сум


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Product Code: 7902-29
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140 000 сум
Type of skin: for sensitive skin, for problem skin
Effect: relieves irritation and redness, replenishes lack of moisture and eliminates dryness. It warms and strengthens the skin, suppresses aggressive environmental factors, softens and smoothes the skin, reduces and reduces wrinkles. Volume: 250 ml. Country of manufacture: South Korea. Centella for moisturizing skin Medi-Peel Centella Mezzo Cream instantly relieves irritation and redness, replenishes the lack of moisture and eliminates dryness. Uplotnyaet and ekreplyaet istochyonnuyu koj, podverjennuyu agressivenomu vozdeystviyu okrujayushchikh factorov, myagchaet and deglazhivaet kojnyi koknyi, pitaet i vozvrashchaet koche siya, khodit v kachestve ejednevnogo ospolzovaniya under make-up.

Reduces aging process, activates the synthesis of collagen fibers and elastin and cells in the epidermis, increases elasticity and strengthens the skin. Usilivaet zashchitnye funktsii kojnogo pokro, umenshaet oblast vospaleniy, ustranyaet shelusheniya i boretsya s sukhostyu. Cream delaet tone koji odnorodnym i ustranyaet krasnotu, snimaet zud i vospalenia, obladaet uspokaivayushchim deystviem, boretsya s nesovershenstvami koji, sukhostyu i shelusheniyami.

Osnovnye deystvuyushchie components:
Extract centelly asiatskoy stimulates the production and renewal of sobstvennyx collagen fibers, increases the density and elasticity of the tissue. Sposobstvuet cell regeneration, reguliruet hydrolipidny balance. Obladaet ranozajivlyayushchim deystviem, pomogaet ubirat rubtsy and pigmentnye pyatna.
The complex of 5 types of peptides increases elasticity and elasticity, accelerates the production process of the organism's own fibers, collagen and elastin. Umenshayut glubinu morshchin i prepyatstvuyut obvisaniyu koji. Ukreplyayut zashchitnyy barer kojnogo pokora.
Extract aloe obespechivaet mnogourovnevuyu zashchitu koji i gulbokoe uvlajnenie. It creates a neosyazaemuyu zashchitnuyu film on the surface and prevents evaporation of moisture, nourishes the non-essential minerals and microelements, increases immunity and protective functions.
Panthenol stimulates the restoration of skin integrity, reduces redness and irritation, has healing properties.
Allantoin softens, intensively moisturizes the skin, allows sujeniyu pore and normalization of skin production, possesses anti-inflammatory properties, soothes irritated skin.
Rekomenduetsya dlya chuvstvitelnoy koji. Cosmetics with peptides ne rekomenduetsya dlya ispolzovaniya v period beremennosti i lactatsii.

Sposob primeneniya: nanesti neokhodimoe kolichestvo krema, izbegaya oblast vokrug glaz, zavershayushchim etapom ukhoda.

Tags: #facecream, #medipeel, #centellamezzocream, #skincare, #30ml

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