Biosensors based on gold nanoparticles are ideally combined with gold electrodes on test strips and thus provide the most accurate results. The glucometer is equipped with an auto-coding system and recognizes the test strips GlucoDr.Auto, thus achieving the most accurate result. You can delete test strips by pressing 1 button. To measure blood sugar you will need 0.5 µl of blood and 5 seconds.
Unique system. Unlike many devices on the market, test strips are made based on the enzyme glucose dehydrogenase. You can store up to 500 results with date and time. Supports up to 5 users.
This Glucometer is clinically tested! You can transfer data to a computer using a USB cable.
- glucometer GlucoDr Auto A AGM-4000,
- 25 test strips GlucoDr A,
- automatic lancet,
- replacement needles (10 pcs.),
- CR2032 battery,
- carrying case,
- user guide.
Может хранить до 500 измерений
Поддерживает до пяти различных пользователей.
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