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225 000 сум

Enzyme foam for problematic and sensitive skin Dr.Jart+ Cicapair Enzyme Cleansing Foam 100ml

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Brand: dr-jart
Product Code: 7450-27
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Salesman:  LeeStore
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225 000 сум

It is suitable for problem skin.
normal and prone skin
Age limited Enzyme foam for problematic and sensitive skin Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Enzyme Cleansing Foam 100ml gently and gently opens irritated skin, soothes, relieves inflammation, and relieves skin dryness and tightness. The extract of centelly asiatskoy obladaet yarko vyrajennym lechebnym i zajivlyayushchim deystviem.

Penka nejno vozdeystvuet na chuvstvitelnuyu koju, myagko opchischaet i tshelushivaet. Udalyaet zgryazneniya i ostatki make-up, nor narushaya kislotno-alkalochnoy balance epidermis.

The product is made of 97% natural components that support optimal levels of moisture, soothe and heal the skin.

The remedy does not cause irritation, opens myagko, helps to fight inflammation and acne, accelerates zajivlenie pimples and has antibacterial properties.

Podkhodit dlya problemnoy koji.

Sposob primeneniya: smeshayte neokhodimoe kolichestvo penki s vodoy. Vzbeyte sredstvo do sostoyaniya prugoy penki i naveget eyo na koju. Myagkimi massage dvigeniya raspredelite po koje. Smoyte penku teploy vody. Use toner.

Tags: Dr.Jart+, Cicapair, Enzyme Cleansing Foam, 100ml, Enzyme Foam, Problematic Skin, Sensitive Skin

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