Name: Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All In One Cream
Type of product: Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All In One Cream
Volume: 100gr
Country of production: South Korea [Pereslano iz A-BEAUTY SHOP] Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All In One Cream All In One Cream, the main component of which is ulitochny mucin, which provides intensive moisturizing. Advanced Snail 92 All in One cream can be used on the face after washing, after washing with toner and lotion, this product successfully fulfills all functions.
Mutsin ulitki obespechivaet koje polnotsennyi ukhod, ne vyzyvaet razdrazeniy i prochix negativnyx reaction. Etot component vozdeystvuet na vse sloi koji, uskoryaet process restoration, pomogaet reshit bolshinstvo problem.
Advanced Snail 92 All in One cream gently exfoliates dead cells, smooths pores, lightens wrinkles, brightens pigmentation, smoothes wrinkles and brightens tone.
Hyaluronic acid protects moisture, heals damage and increases elasticity.
Panthenol and allantoin uskoryayut processy vosstanovleniya, snimayut vospaleniya i izbavlyayut ot shelusheniy.
Adenosine has a brightening effect and does not allow the appearance of pigment.
Cream has a pleasant texture, distributes well, absorbs moisture and tsennymi veshchestvami. Pri postoyannom primenenii Advanced Snail 92 All in One cream koja stanovitsya zdorovoy i molodoy.
✔️Dlya suzheniya por
✔️Ot morshchin
✔️Ot pigmentnyx pyaten
✔️Ot razdrazheniya
✔️Ot sukhosti
Sposob primeneniya: Nanesti krem na koju posle umyvaniya i raspredelit legkimi postukiyushchimi dvigeniyam.
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