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Scrub against blackheads The Skin House Cacao Sugar Black Head Out

Brand: skin-house
Product Code: 7528-28
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120 000 сум

Paul: Jensky
Type code: jirnaya, kombinirovannaya, problemnpya
Skin problems: Acne, blackheads, enlarged pores, dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles, depression, postacne, pigmentation
Effect: The tool deep, not delicate open pores ot ejednevno zabivayushcheysya pili, salnyx cork i chernyx Scrub delicately poliruet verkhni sloy, udalyaya otmershie chastichki, ustranyaet reflnost i gluboko pitaet tkitki.
очешчает кожу, разглаживает моршчинки, устраняет sukhost i styanutost. Natural extractive matter of cocoa delicately brightens the tone, reduces the appearance of dark circles, increases the protective function of the skin. In addition, the scrub normalizes the activity of the cold, increases cellular respiration and moisturizes the skin.

Age: for all ages
Volume: 50 ml
The product is certified by The Skin House Scrub. Blagodarya vozdeystviyu scrub koja nejno poliruetsya, razglazhivaetsya, osvetlyaetsya. Poroshok cocoa v sostave scruba sposobstvuet udaleniyu ormetvevshego epithelia, pomogaet dostavlyat oxygen and poleznye microelementy vglub tkaney, povyshaet effektivnost work of collagen fibers. Blagodarya cocoa sokhranyaetsya vysokiy uroven uvlajneniya koji, povyshaetsya ee uprugost i elastichnost. Cocoa pozvolit izbavitsya ot dryablosti, sledov ustalosti i nejelatelnoy pigmentationsii. Trostnikovyy sahar plho rastvoryaetsya v vode, a v sostave kosmeticheskikh sredstv yavlyaetsya samy sovershennym estestvennym pilingom. Melkie krupinki berejno poliruyut koju, ne tsarapaya ee, pomogayut udalit ormetvevshie tki, blagodarya chemu poverkhnost koji stanovitsya smoothkoy and silkovistoy. Also in the composition of the scrub extract piona molochnotsvetkovogo, jimolosti, Indian chrysanthemum, pumpkin, tomato, mallow, thyme and others, which are used healing agents, obespechivayut koju moshchnoy antioxidant zashchitoy and prevent premature aging. How to use: Apply a scrub to the skin, apply it to the area of the eye, massage and apply for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Apply 2-3 times a week.

Tags: #ScrubAgainstBlackheads, #TheSkinHouse, #CacaoSugarBlackHeadOut

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